HostMilano Show October 13-17 in Milan, Italy

HostMilano Show October 13-17 in Milan, Italy

Gesame Food Machinery, an esteemed global manufacturer in the realm of food processing equipment, has broadened its worldwide operations with the launch of a new branch, Gesame USA, situated in Austin, Texas. This landmark expansion echoes the company’s determination to more directly serve the U.S market, delivering a local point of contact for American enterprises. Gesame USA is committed to maintaining the brand’s legacy of quality, offering a diverse array of cutting-edge food processing solutions and machinery.

In an exciting development, Gesame USA is set to make its presence felt at the HostMilano, slated for October 13-17. HostMilano is one of the most prestigious events in the global hospitality sector, taking place in the vibrant city of Milan, Italy. Gesame USA will join the international stage, showcasing its innovative food processing technology to a diverse audience of industry titans, culinary experts, and hospitality entrepreneurs. Visitors to the event can look forward to experiencing first-hand demonstrations of Gesame’s state-of-the-art equipment, engage with the knowledgeable team, and discover how these superior solutions can elevate their foodservice businesses. This participation underscores Gesame USA’s commitment to forging new partnerships, embracing global trends, and asserting its position as a forward-thinking leader in the food processing industry.

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